Rogers Calls for Pavement Clean-Up in Newcastle

SOUTH Down SDLP MLA Seán Rogers has called on Down District Council to increase the cleansing of the actual footpaths in the Seaside town during the holiday period.dn_screen

Mr Rogers said: “It is encouraging to see the great number of visitors to Newcastle over the holiday period.  We have been basking in the sunshine and enjoying the superb tourist package that is Newcastle and the greater Mourne area.  However, I have received reports from constituents and have seen myself the state of the footpaths throughput the town.  They are visibly grubby and need urgent attention – particularly in the area of the litter bins.

“I understand that the lack of rain has contributed to this along with the actual colour of the footpath.

“I have made representations to Down District Council in this regard.  The town itself is looking fantastic and is certainly benefiting from the work and improvements that have taken place in recent years and I wouldn’t want to see the footpaths detracting from this.”
