Independent Councillor Patrick Clarke Questions Transport NI Regarding Maintenance Of Rural Roads

Independent Slieve Croob Councillor Patrick Clarke has contacted Transport NI regarding the Backaderry Road near Leitrim following complaints about potholes.

dn_screenCouncillor Clarke has also tabled a question at a special meeting of Councillors and Transport NI in in the new Council chamber in Downpatick to be held on Monday 23rd May regarding the surveying and maintenance of rural roads across the district.

He said: “I have been contacted regarding a number of potholes on various parts of the Backaderry Road, between the Leitrim village crossroads and the Ribadoo and Clarkhill Road junction.

“Like many rural roads across the District there are a great number of these same rural roads such as the Backaderry Road which are in urgent need of attention and repairs carried out to repair potholes.

“I have requested Transport NI to inspect this section of road urgently.

“I have also asked Transport NI to confirm how regular inspections of rural roads are being carried out and whether these inspections will be increased due to the high level of potholes and defective roads surface on a large number of rural roads within the Slieve Croob DEA and whether there will be increased funding and resources to address the potholes on these same rural roads.”