An Angling and Waterways Survey Is Published

dn_screen Key findings include: *   One in twenty (5%) of the population had taken part in angling in the last 12 months on any waters where a DCAL or Loughs Agency permit was required, an increase of one percentage point on the previous year. *   Gender, marital status and age were all related to the likelihood of having taken part in angling, with females, those who are widowed and those aged 65 years and over less likely to have taken part. *   Over three in ten (31%) of the population had visited an inland waterway at least once or twice in the last 12 months. *   Females, those who are single, those who do not have a disability and those who live in the most deprived areas were more likely to have visited inland waterways in 2012/13 than in 2011/12. *   More than four-fifths of respondents (84%) indicated that they went ‘Walking’ while visiting an inland waterway, while just under a fifth (18%) had a ‘Picnic’. The bulletin is available on the DCAL website:]]>