Alliance Councillor Clarke Welcomes De Courcy Way NIHE Meeting

Alliance Councillor Patrick Clarke has met with senior officers from the Housing Executive to look at a number of environmental improvements for De Courcey Way housing estate in Dundrum.

Councillor Clarke had asked for the meeting with Housing Executive officers following the finalisation of the Dundrum Village Plan which involved local residents in identifying De Courcey Way as in need of environmental improvements to enhance parts of the estate.dn_screen

“Last week I met with officers from the Housing Executive to discuss De Courcey Way housing estate in Dundrum having environmental improvements being carried out which would improve the landscape of the area.

“The NIHE are now looking into a number of options and will shortly be conducting a short survey to identify what residents wish to be done.

“One of the proposals is to enhance the entrance area of De Courcey Way as well as maintaining any of the grassed areas and considering planting.

“During the meeting I also raised about some of the NIHE properties which require repainting but have not been given a date within the short term.  Housing Executive has agreed to look into the painting schedule dates for De Courcey Way.

“I welcome the meeting with the senior officers from the Housing Executive during the walkabout in De Courcey Way housing estate in Dundrum last week,” said Councillor Patrick Clarke.
